Rental Questions

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What is included in the dumpster cost?

Our price includes delivery, pickup and local taxes.

Do I need to be present for delivery or pickup?

No- as long as the location is easily accessible by our driver and not blocked by anything, we'd be all set!

Can I schedule delivery or pickup for specific times?

Our delivery/pickup windows operate from 7am-5pm, Monday-Friday. We can guarantee any 3 hour window within those hours!

Dоеѕ thе dumрѕtеr hаvе a door?

Yes- all our roll-off dumpsters come with a door on the end to easily walk inside the dumpster. Our dump trailers have low walls to toss objects into the rental.

How soon do I need to place an order for delivery or pickup?

We currently have same day or next day available!

Dо I need tо schedule the pickup?

Each rental includes 7 days, we will always check in with you on the 6th day to confirm pickup or give you the option to extend your pickup!

What happens if there is something blocking the delivery or pickup area?

We would have a "trip fee" which is an additional cost added to your final bill in the case a driver can not complete their delivery or pickup upon scheduled date.

Are there any additional fees?

Yes- certain items do have an additional recycling fee. Those items would include mattresses, box springs, refrigerators, air conditioners, televisions or tires.

Can I cancel my dumpster order once I place it?

Yes, you can cancel your dumpster order any time before the delivery date. As long as it is
the day prior, there will be no cancellation fee!

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