Dumpster Sizes and Prohibited Items

What size dumpster do you need?

Text us today about dumpster rentals available in the Blasdell & Buffalo, NY area

Are you cleaning out your garage? Flipping a house? Taking down that shed? Renovating an office building and need weekly dumpster swaps to keep your project running?

Dumpster Size Dimensions

  • 10 yard trailer 10 ft (L) x 8 ft (W) x 3.5 ft (H) - 9.5 ft (L) x 8 ft (W) x 4 ft (H)
  • 15 yard 14 ft (L) x 8 ft (W) x 4 ft (H) - 13 ft (L) x 8 ft (W) x 4.5 ft (H)
  • 20 yard 22 ft (L) x 8 ft (W) x 4 ft (H) - 20 ft (L) x 8 ft (W) x 4.5 ft (H)
  • 25 yard 22 ft. (L) x 8 ft (W) x 4.5 ft (H) - 20 ft (L) x 8 ft (W) x 5 ft (H)
  • 30 yard 22 ft (L) x 8 ft (W) x 6 ft (H) - 20 ft (L) x 8 ft (W) x 6.5 ft (H)
  • 40 yard 22 ft (L) x 8 ft (W) x 7 ft (H) - 20 ft (L) x 8 ft (W) x 7.5 ft (H)

Learn more about our prohibited item policy

As a local waste management company, we comply with all DEC regulations regarding prohibited items in dumpsters. We ask that our customers do not use our equipment to dispose of:


Call or text us at 716-262-0209 now to get things rolling